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Writing my own story. 我正在写自己的故事.

小小的部落格,说出心里想说的话。。。。 = )


I am who I am... 我就是我. Randy, 22 le. Still searching myself. Loves....techie thingys, K-pop and etc.


yin min
wan ping
xue ying
aik kai
my fyp2 team blog
pei xin
ted sis

Friday, July 27, 2007
Boost of confidence?

Its been a week since I last updated. Hehe...2 more post to my 200th posts.

These few days, ups and downs. Definitely.

But all these ups and downs make me to treasure life much better. Always know what you are doing...

For the past 2 days, lessons can be quite taxing. And something which I never expect is those who normally come for lessons pon for these 2 days.

3 more weeks, I have to spilit class already. Gonna miss E24D peeps!! All the fun times, moments etc. Though our class is those kind where only part of the class stays the same class throughout the week, our class is still a good one, which is one thing I like my present class = )

Wondering...how I am going to survive for the next few days....how I wish my pay comes asap.

But I must remember...don ever scold your parents....

Friday, July 20, 2007

Being so suay for the past weeks, sometimes, I really dunno y. I felt like giving up, yet I can't.

Therefore, this few days, I have to be mentally strong which is never easy. All the obstacles I met, all the problems I faced....

But nevertheless, I got encouragement from friends. Really gotta thanks to them = )

Ltr will be working, gonna miss my 2nd creative concept module...sobsx...

4 more weeks, gonna say good bye to E24D...

How times tick tocks so fast....

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sometimes, you can be simply


Tuesday, celebrated for Song Ming with E24D peeps. We went to holland V makan XO Fish Bee Hoon and Brekos for beer. It was a fun celebration but a sad moment too cause losing a good faci who is damn gum with us la...

I went to applied for a part time job at a DVD rental shop. Thought got hope, but all tarnished because they can't contact me via HP. They send an email, but I replied, hoping for some hope..yet...

DMA Lesson on thursday. Again, kanna shoot by Justyn. I do admit, my team got a bit "buang" but never mind, we tried our best....

And, luckily about job lobang, Andrew for AAAs msg me tell me got roadshow jobs. Intro Sandy and Dennis to work. aha!! Gonna be a fun time working with my friends together = )

Now, just hoping the week gets better....

Monday, July 09, 2007
Isn't this...

Bad Luck?

Sunday should be a happy day yet...I lost my phone...now, I really don't know what to do though...

Today's lesson is about love. My team which comprises of Jonathan, Justin, Lesley and Sandy did on passionate love. Eh...I don't think I did a good job today though. Keep sleeping during lesson, that's bad.

I went to borrow school's laptop and change the wallpaper into the picture below.

natalie dee

Sandy was sitting beside me and keep saying, suck it monkey...HAHA. The rest of the classmates too...HAHA = ) I think this picture, eh...not bad la, veri de interesting....

Today's Conservation talk better than last friday de, E24D peeps, u all shld haf attended la!!

Tml would be Ang Song Ming's last lesson with E24D, sobx....

Wish him good luck in his future career!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007
Now I am thinking of...

???....lots of things...

For the past few days, lessons were quite tough. From planning an exhibition to creating a new life form and write its life story. Sometimes, my brain cells gets killed easily. But I am always quite lucky to kanna good team members....hehe = )

Recently, I had an idea and this motivates me to write a story. I guess soon, I will post part by part on my blog. The previous story was a flop though the beginning seems nice though.

10 weeks past. Soon, I will be separated from my class. Sobx...have yet to get link of my classmate's blogs except Lesley.

Sometimes, thought of class separation, I will thought of W26Q and W24B days. Those days were damn fun man!! But sometimes, the ending seems bit not nice though. Nevertheless, I still know lotsa good friends!!

Like this semester, I know lotsa good friends like Sandy, Angus, Louis, Poh Hong aka Pro Hong, Justin, Kevin, Li Qin and much more.

Really gotta thanks these friends for motivating me to continue at STA especially Sandy cause she is the one who ask me to stay de...thanks Sandy!!

Also, really gotta thanks Dennis, my 13 year buddy for letting me to know some W65M peeps!! Though I am a traitor of SIT, but I am lucky to know u peeps...

Hmm....life is simply too complex...more challenges coming towards me.

And I must have...KEEP FIGHTING spirit!! End here though = )

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I cut my hair...my long hair...arrgh...

Just now, I went to have a hair cut. Actually thought of leaving my hair longer but it is getting harder to maintain. Luckily my mum was around, she found her hairdresser to cut for me and I like the end result a lot!!

Hehe = ) Also, few days back went to watch Transformers. DAMN SOLID LA!!! = ) SHIOK MAN!!!

Lessons, hmm, do face quite much difficulties. Sometimes problem statement can kill your brain cells till you can't take it.

Luckily for today's DNM lesson, still can make it la. Phew....

After school went to attend talk with fellow E24D peeps. I guess I was too tired that I slept during the talk and my mouth...eh...open bit too big liao....gosh....

Song Ming leaving RP liao. Sad man, he is such a good faci la. Always like to use PBl and challenge us. Though sometimes we get bit gaga, but he is a damn solid faci la...going to miss him man....

Sometimes, wondering....is life ever revolving, too much or too little...

Still thinking though.....

Monday, July 02, 2007

Why people gets criticism and gets angry?

Why people face failure, they will be crying in their heart?

Why guys gets jealous when he see the girl he likes went on a relationship with another guy?

Sometimes, I am wondering why though...

But anyway...it's been more than a week since I last posted. Things gets ups and downs. Attended Senior student kenshu, what I got was, hmm, something nice back.

And things went down next. Somehow, I myself also cannot question why.

Back to school, lessons were quite alright. Still managed to cope.


But till now, always thinking of something.

Which has troubled me....till now...

How I wish, it will leave me forever....


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layout by twenty
i mod a little bit ah...but credits still goes to twenty! : )